I have organized my Reader a bit, due to the class. Before it was just all jumbled together, being ADD has side effects you know. Since I have to only list 5 RSS feeds to discuss here, I will try to limit myself.
Edublogger-essentially this is a how-to blog on how to blog. I am pretty sure this will come in handy. Kinda like having a good supply of Diet Coke in my classroom.
The Fischbowl-Karl Fisch is a fabulous man from Colorado that I had the opportunity to hear speak a year or so ago. He has helped to inspire my new path that has led to Full Sail and this program.
Free Technology for Teachers-this is at times overwhelming with the amount of good information that comes out. But, I would not give up this feed. It has given me more resources than it took from me it time to look through it. The time would have been exponentially greater if I had to do the searching on my own.
Edutopia-almost feels mainstream any more. They provide good things to think about. I don't always agree with their viewpoint, but it is good to think about.
Seth's Blog-from Seth Godin who has written many books. The two that have helped me the most were Tribes
and Linchpin
. My son turned me on to him three years ago while he was in high school(my son, not Seth).
I do like Google Reader, especially being ADD, it has helped to organize and keep things I'm interested in looking back at from time to time.
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Be sure to play nice and don't make me get my teacher voice out.